From The Office Of: Brandon Garland
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Did you know it's 7x more expensive to acquire a new customer versus keeping your current ones?
With that in mind, it amazes me how many eCom marketer's are solely focused on getting new customers and not leveraging email marketing which can DOUBLE sales within their existing customers.
So, why aren't they doing it?
It could be because they're lazy...Or maybe they just aren't fully aware of the benefits...Or maybe they just don't want to pay a copywriter hundreds of dollars.
Whatever it may be, it's hard to argue how annoying it is to implement a solid email marketing campaign.
First: You'll spend hours searching for a good copywriter to hire (which is rare).
Second: Once hired, you can expect to pay anywhere from $60-$100 PER EMAIL if you want something worth your while.
Third: After a full week or two has passed, you'll finally receive the final draft which most likely will need revised.
How do I know this?...Because I AM that expensive copywriter that so many had to deal with.
Now don't get me wrong, just because it was annoying doesn't mean it wasn't benefiting my clients. Time and time again I'd hear about their amazing results.
To them, it's like printing money!
Let me explain...
Once you acquire a new customer you'll have their email address. With a direct line of communication you'll be able to build a relationship with them, and turn them into a repeat customer by emailing different offers they can purchase. An email gets sent out, and money comes back in.
In fact...for every $1 spent, email marketing generates $38 in ROI!
Knowing this, it's impossible to ignore and I'm sure you'd agree 100% when I say: "Your Store Needs This!"
Originally, I loved working 1 on 1 with clients, and writing unique emails for their eCom stores. However, I noticed I was writing the same core emails that produced amazing results.
That's when I had my big "AH-HA!" moment...
Why not just bundle these emails up and make them require little tweaking?
I know what you're thinking..."But Brandon, wouldn't you rather get paid $100 per email?"
The truth is, if I can help even more eCom marketer's (like yourself), by easily providing the same quality emails for way less, then I know I did my job to impact the community.
And that's exactly what I did!
I took the best performing emails, bundled them all up and released them to the public. Since then, I've received tons of positive feedback which is why I want you to think of something...
...If all this did was make you 1-2 more sales per day, would it be worth it?
...If all this did was save you hundreds of dollars from having to hire an expensive copywriter, would it be worth it?
...If all this did was lay out a solid foundation, and inspire you to build the best dang email marketing funnel for your existing store + future stores, would it be worth it?
I'd say so, right?
I get it, that little voice inside your head telling you that it sounds too good to be true. But isn't that the same negative voice that you've been battling your entire life?
This may not be something you're ready to invest in today, but that doesn't mean it's not what your store desperately needs.
Mel Robbins said it best: "If you only ever did the things you don't want to do, you'd have everything you've ever wanted."
Every choice you make will either make your eCom sales go up, or make your sales go down. But here's the NOT making a choice it will automatically make your sales go down due to the opportunity loss.
That's why I decided I wanted to make your choice even easier by making this a real no-brainer.
I could have easily sold this email suite for $300+ dollars. Of course that would still make this a heck of a deal.
But, I know it'd make it a bit hard to decide and that's not what I want.
That's why today, you can get everything mentioned on this page for a measly $17 while we're running this special offer.
I highly recommend scrolling down to review a total recap of everything you get, and ordering today (while the price is at an all-time low).